Instagram: Get excited about photography again.


A few years ago something had changed in me.  For most of my life I’d been seeing the world through a lens and I was always looking for that great shot.  But I realized I’d stopped taking photos.  In fact I’ve barely been interested in even taking shots of family, friends or even of my travels… for me this was almost a shocking realization.  Photography was my creativity.  Was I no longer creative?

When my daughter Jemma was born in 2011 the camera starting finding it’s way back into my hands but I was still pretty disinterested in photography as a hobby.  Then I found Instagram.  Now you would think that an iPhone app would not be the catalyst for me getting back into a hobby that I have enjoyed since primary school (elementary school in the US).  At the age of eleven I ran the school dark room, mixing chemicals and agitating film by hand.  Instagram and iPhones seem like a different life from those days.  Such is the change that we have seen in our lives already, and I’m only 40! 😉


Instagram Inspiration

So I had this iPhone thingy and then I saw all the cool kids posting great pics with filters and it got my interest.  I may have been a little late to the party but I’ve definitely made up for it over recent years.  I was inspired to buy a new camera and the excitement of getting a great shot came back again.  It’s like meeting an old friend after not seeing them for a couple of years…  What’s been really crazy is the amount of people I would now consider a friend (either in real life or virtually) based on our Instagram interactions. Being so into travel photography I’ve been able to tap into an incredible community on Instagram and learn and be inspired by so many other talented people.   So here’s a few Instagram pics of mine… If you’d like you can connect with me on Instagram I’m at ryanintheus.

[alpine-phototile-for-instagram id=368 user=”ryanintheus” src=”user_recent” imgl=”instagram” style=”cascade” col=”6″ size=”M” num=”24″ align=”center” max=”100″]
Written by Ryan Hodgson